Totnes Chess

Totnes Chess players meet at the Totnes Cinema cafe every Saturday morning, from about 10:30 to 1:00, for social chess and excellent coffee and cakes. We are all levels from beginners to very experienced. Newcomers are always very welcome. Just speak to anyone playing chess and you should quickly get a stress-free game with someone roughly the same level as you.

We also meet once a month at the Seven Stars in the upstairs room above the front door, for longer games. When teams are playing matches, we are quiet. Next meetings are 4 Nov, 9 Dec, 6 Jan, 3 Feb. From 7pm to about 9:30 pm. All levels are welcome and you should always get a game.

On 9 Dec, our local grandmaster, Keith Arkell, will be playing a simultaneous match against about a dozen people at the Seven Stars, followed by drinks. Please get in touch to book, if you fancy taking on a grandmaster, who will have a fraction of the time you will have.

We have three teams playing in the Torbay Chess Leagues. The first team won the championship last year and the Totnes Castles and Totnes Knights are aiming to win Leagues 3 and 4 this year. If you are interested in playing, please get in touch. All levels are welcome, although you should probably have a rating of about 1100+ and you need to be familiar with using a clock and anotating your game. And you must have an ECF membership, which costs £25, except juniors who are free.

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